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Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Something in the Woods" - Sasquatch. It's Sasquatch in the Woods

I don't feel like that's a spoiler in the title.  "Something in the Woods" doesn't give us a clear look at the creature early on, but it's not shy about letting us know there's a bigfoot out there.  It does take awhile to get to the action though. It's available on Amazon Prime.

The movie opens with a man asking his dad about a bigfoot sighting that happened decades ago.  The father begins to tell his tale and for some reason includes quite a bit about a confrontation his friend had at work with some of his employees.  They pop up later for another confrontation, but aside from that, their side story doesn't seem to serve much a purpose.

Let me be upfront and say that Bigfoot stories that play out like documentaries aren't my favorite and at various points during this roughly 90 minute flashback, that's what this movie reminded me of.  It's a specific taste of mine and may not bother other viewers as much.

There are also the requisite number of "boy that's stupid" moments played out by the characters.  They're needed for a horror movie after a certain point.  If a character doesn't refuse to move to safety or neglects to check on that sound in the woods the movie would end.  And let's be honest, we've all done some pretty stupid things, right?  Like the time I jumped out of an SUV with a camera in hand and ran across the road because my wife and I saw a bear run into the trees.  I had just hit the tree line when it clicked in my head that the bear was awfully small.  Probably a cub and momma would be none to happy to see me chasing it.  Stupid.  My wife agreed when I quietly walked back to the truck without my footage.  So, characters panicking and firing blindly into the woods isn't something I can watch and say, "Nobody is that stupid!"

The movie has a surprisingly positive 3.5 stars on Amazon as of this writing and that's from 300 reviews, so not likely to be just the cast and crew.  The reviewers that didn't like it mostly cite the acting, which could be understated at times and just plain weak at others.  Not every actor in a small film is going to be great.  But the main characters do a fine job and most of the supporting cast manages to put in okay performances.  (I am blessed by the talented people who are willing to work with me in movies like "Jack vs Lanterns" and "Stopped Dead")

But you want to know about the monster.  We get to see a lot of the back of our Sasquatch.  And at times the head is distinctly "cone shaped".  I kept getting flashes of the Jack Links Jerky beastie and that didn't help build the tension.

 When we finally do see the "hairy man" in his full glory, it's about what you'd expect. A professional costume.  At least it's not just a disappointing tall guy in a fake beard and fur vest.  It's actually a step above of a lot of indie monster suits I've seen ( or made ). Check out the store bought wonder I used in the "Alien Vengeance" movies.  I used that sucker twice.

The direction and cinematography are what kept me watching.  There is liberal use of drone or crane footage, making the people appear "small" and vulnerable.  There are some times when true suspense is built up, especially when the wife is left home alone with the children.  The director does a good job of establishing early on that Bigfoot is pretty strong.  We see him snap tree branches with ease as he runs and it's mentioned that he has made off with a "200 lb hog".

If you like monster movies, and if you're reading this you probably do, this one is worth a viewing.  It's not outstandingly special or overtly gory and it does take a bit of time to really get going, but by the time it's over I was left feeling bad that I doubted it.  Manage the first 20 minutes or so and you'll be in for a good, if not totally original, time.

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